Need a little Pick-me up? Try positive affirmations!

Positive affirmations are like little boosts of motivation you can give yourself anytime, anywhere. Simply start with “I am,” “I can,” or “I will,” followed by a short, easy-to-remember statement in the present tense. Keep it simple to maintain its power!

Speaking them aloud, especially in front of a mirror, helps reinforce them. Repetition is key; saying them aloud, even if it feels odd, helps solidify them in your mind as true statements. It might take some time to get used to, but be patient—they’ll become more natural with practice. Think of it as “fake it till you feel it” in action!

Whether you’re facing jitters before an interview, meeting someone important for you for the first time, or navigating a breakup, affirmations can help. They’re not just for high-pressure moments, though. Anyone can use them to find daily calm and grounding.

Examples of Positive Affirmations

If you’re open to include positive affirmations into your daily routine and want to craft your own, take a look at the examples (suggested by CJ Bathgate, Ph.D., a clinical psychologist):

To alleviate anxiety and stress:

•           “I am calm, I am in control, and I am safe.”

•           “I am stronger than my anxiety.”

•           “I am enough. I did enough. I can let go.”

To combat depression:

•           “I am in charge of how I feel, and today I choose happiness.”

•           “I am content, I am safe, and I feel strong.”

•           “I am a resilient survivor.”

To build confidence and motivation:

•           “I am a leader, and challenges help me grow.”

•           “I am strong, I am capable, and I feel great.”

•           “I am choosing to be helpful and kind.

To bolster self-worth:

•           “I am original, and I matter.”

•           “I love deeply and deserve to be loved fully.”

•           “I forgive myself for mistakes I made when I didn’t know better.”

•           “I am worthy of respect.”

Source: By Mara Santilli,